Practice Areas

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium
Representative Past & Present Clients
Proven Track Record of Success
- Affliction, Inc.
- The Backstreet Boys
- Barry Weissler, Fran Weissler and National Artists Management Co.
- Bertram Fields
- Big Apple Car
- Bisnow
- Countdown Entertainment, LLC and Jeffrey Straus
- Dan Klores
- David Lipman
- Deontay Wilder
- Digital Gadgets, Inc.
- Donny Deutsch
- Don King and Don King Productions, Inc.
- Fonderie 47 and Peter Thum
- Gansevoort Hotel Group
- Greg Anthony
- Jeffrey Kindler
- Joseph Tacopina
- Keith Clinkscales
- Lennox Lewis
- Max Kellerman
- Nardello & Co.
- Nicki Minaj
- NV Petrus SA
- Office of the New York City Comptroller
- Oscar de La Hoya and Golden Boy Promotions, Inc.
- Paradigm Sports
- Patch
- Sally Jessie Raphael
- Sam Heyman
- Saul “Canelo” Alvarez
- Sterling Investment Partners
- Stratosphere Hotel & Casino LLC
- Uma Thurman
- Westport County Playhouse
Recent Successes
Litigation without Limits
Following an evidentiary hearing, won a motion sanctioning a plaintiff suing Mr. Burstein’s client for having committed a fraud upon the Court.
Won an appeal reversing a lower court’s grant of summary judgment in a case where Mr. Burstein’s client has been sued for almost $200 million.
Settled a defamation case for Nicki Minaj in which a Defendant video blogger consented to a gag order barring her from ever mentioning Ms. Minaj’s name on her blogs other than to comment upon her music.
Secured a multi-million settlement for a client threatening to sue a major international law firm for malpractice.
Won a jury trial defeating a challenge to a will which had left Mr. Burstein’s client 90% of a $30 million estate.
Won a $5.1 million verdict in a jury trial for a sports management company suing legendary boxer Manny Pacquiao for breach of contract. The jury also rejected Mr. Pacquiao’s claim for $30 million in damages.
Won a motion dismissing multimillion-dollar claims brought against Mr. Burstein’s client by a former employee.
Settled a nine-year dispute which resulted in Mr. Burstein’s client taking sole control of a multinational business worth more than $100 million.
Represented Nicki Minaj in a lawsuit seeking $20 million in damages against her. The plaintiff withdrew her complaint without Ms. Minaj paying any monies in settlement.
Successfully secured a litigation settlement for a client pursuant to which she was reinstated her as the president and CEO of a real estate and shipping business with assets valued in excess of $300 million.
Successfully secured a multi-million dollar litigation settlement for a client who had received threats of physical violence from the defendant.
Successfully negotiated a no-jail guilty plea and accompanying SEC settlement for a client who was indicted for bilking millions of dollars from investors.
Defeated a motion to dismiss a highly unusual racketeering complaint based upon criminal copyright infringemen
Won an appellate reversal of an order holding a client in contempt.
Successfully deterred a lawsuit against a high-profile businessman by demonstrating to the prospective client’s lawyer that the client’s claims were false.
Won dismissal of fraudulent conveyance action brought against a client.
Secured a multi-million-dollar litigation settlement for a client in an attorney malpractice case.
Won motions for summary judgment in lieu of complaint in two multi-million-dollar related actions.
Prevented the continued extortion of a major public events company by commencing a racketeering action. The defendant then defaulted and ceased harassing the client.
Won a trial which resulted in a multi-million dollar judgment for the client.
Completed settlement of an Estate litigation in which Mr. Burstein’s client received a payment of over $12 million which was structed in a manner to also provide the client with additional tax savings of more than $7 million.
Obtained a $50 million payment to clients claiming innocent owner status in a civil forfeiture proceeding by negotiating an agreement with the Justice Department, the SEC, a Bankruptcy Debtor and class action plaintiffs which required approval of three different courts, including an order authorizing a return of $17 million of bail monies which had been posted by the clients and then forfeited.
Defeated a motion to dismiss a defamation case brought by a psychiatrist against a former patient.
Obtained a judgment for a Broadway producer rejecting a claim that the producer had defrauded Chinese theater producers into paying a seven-figure fee for a tour of a Broadway show throughout China.
Defeated a defendant’s summary judgment motion in a multi-million dollar defamation case against a foundation affiliated with a major insurance company, and then prevailed on the defendant’s appeal of the denial of its motion.
Secured an appellate court affirmance of the denial of summary judgment in a seven-figure unjust enrichment case.
Representative Past & Present Clients
Our philosophy is that the ability to communicate effectively with judges and jurors, the trial skill of cross-examination, and the ability to develop an overall litigation strategy are unique qualities and the most important talents that a litigator can offer.
- Affliction, Inc.
- The Backstreet Boys
- Barry Weissler, Fran Weissler and National Artists Management Co.
- Bertram Fields
- Big Apple Car
- Bisnow
- Countdown Entertainment, LLC and Jeffrey Straus
- Dan Klores
- David Lipman
- Deontay Wilder
- Digital Gadgets, Inc.
- Donny Deutsch
- Don King and Don King Productions, Inc.
- Fonderie 47 and Peter Thum
- Gansevoort Hotel Group
- Greg Anthony
- Jeffrey Kindler
- Joseph Tacopina
- Keith Clinkscales
- Lennox Lewis
- Max Kellerman
- Nardello & Co.
- Nicki Minaj
- NV Petrus SA
- Office of the New York City Comptroller
- Oscar de La Hoya and Golden Boy Promotions, Inc.
- Paradigm Sports
- Patch
- Sally Jessie Raphael
- Sam Heyman
- Saul “Canelo” Alvarez
- Sterling Investment Partners
- Stratosphere Hotel & Casino LLC
- Uma Thurman
- Westport County Playhouse
Representative Past & Present Clients
Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.