A firm specializing in:

Sports and


Family Law

White Collar
Representative Past & Present Clients
Our philosophy is that the ability to communicate effectively with judges and jurors, the trial skill of cross-examination, and the ability to develop an overall litigation strategy are unique qualities and the most important talents that a litigator can offer.
- Affliction, Inc.
- The Backstreet Boys
- Barry Weissler, Fran Weissler and National Artists Management Co.
- Bertram Fields
- Big Apple Car
- Bisnow
- Countdown Entertainment, LLC and Jeffrey Straus
- Dan Klores
- David Lipman
- Deontay Wilder
- Digital Gadgets, Inc.
- Donny Deutsch
- Don King and Don King Productions, Inc.
- Fonderie 47 and Peter Thum
- Gansevoort Hotel Group
- Greg Anthony
- Jeffrey Kindler
- Joseph Tacopina
- Keith Clinkscales
- Lennox Lewis
- Max Kellerman
- Nardello & Co.
- Nicki Minaj
- NV Petrus SA
- Office of the New York City Comptroller
- Oscar de La Hoya and Golden Boy Promotions, Inc.
- Paradigm Sports
- Patch
- Sally Jessie Raphael
- Sam Heyman
- Saul “Canelo” Alvarez
- Sterling Investment Partners
- Stratosphere Hotel & Casino LLC
- Uma Thurman
- Westport County Playhouse
Recent Successes
Litigation without Limits
Following an evidentiary hearing, won a motion sanctioning a plaintiff suing Mr. Burstein’s client for having committed a fraud upon the Court.
Won an appeal reversing a lower court’s grant of summary judgment in a case where Mr. Burstein’s client has been sued for almost $200 million.
Settled a defamation case for Nicki Minaj in which a Defendant video blogger consented to a gag order barring her from ever mentioning Ms. Minaj’s name on her blogs other than to comment upon her music.
Secured a multi-million settlement for a client threatening to sue a major international law firm for malpractice.
Won a jury trial defeating a challenge to a will which had left Mr. Burstein’s client 90% of a $30 million estate.
Won a $5.1 million verdict in a jury trial for a sports management company suing legendary boxer Manny Pacquiao for breach of contract. The jury also rejected Mr. Pacquiao’s claim for $30 million in damages.
Won a motion dismissing multimillion-dollar claims brought against Mr. Burstein’s client by a former employee.
Settled a nine-year dispute which resulted in Mr. Burstein’s client taking sole control of a multinational business worth more than $100 million.
Represented Nicki Minaj in a lawsuit seeking $20 million in damages against her. The plaintiff withdrew her complaint without Ms. Minaj paying any monies in settlement.
Successfully secured a litigation settlement for a client pursuant to which she was reinstated her as the president and CEO of a real estate and shipping business with assets valued in excess of $300 million.
Successfully secured a multi-million dollar litigation settlement for a client who had received threats of physical violence from the defendant.
Successfully negotiated a no-jail guilty plea and accompanying SEC settlement for a client who was indicted for bilking millions of dollars from investors.
Defeated a motion to dismiss a highly unusual racketeering complaint based upon criminal copyright infringemen
Won an appellate reversal of an order holding a client in contempt.
Successfully deterred a lawsuit against a high-profile businessman by demonstrating to the prospective client’s lawyer that the client’s claims were false.
Won dismissal of fraudulent conveyance action brought against a client.
Secured a multi-million-dollar litigation settlement for a client in an attorney malpractice case.
Won motions for summary judgment in lieu of complaint in two multi-million-dollar related actions.
Prevented the continued extortion of a major public events company by commencing a racketeering action. The defendant then defaulted and ceased harassing the client.
Won a trial which resulted in a multi-million dollar judgment for the client.
Completed settlement of an Estate litigation in which Mr. Burstein’s client received a payment of over $12 million which was structed in a manner to also provide the client with additional tax savings of more than $7 million.
Obtained a $50 million payment to clients claiming innocent owner status in a civil forfeiture proceeding by negotiating an agreement with the Justice Department, the SEC, a Bankruptcy Debtor and class action plaintiffs which required approval of three different courts, including an order authorizing a return of $17 million of bail monies which had been posted by the clients and then forfeited.
Defeated a motion to dismiss a defamation case brought by a psychiatrist against a former patient.
Obtained a judgment for a Broadway producer rejecting a claim that the producer had defrauded Chinese theater producers into paying a seven-figure fee for a tour of a Broadway show throughout China.
Defeated a defendant’s summary judgment motion in a multi-million dollar defamation case against a foundation affiliated with a major insurance company, and then prevailed on the defendant’s appeal of the denial of its motion.
Secured an appellate court affirmance of the denial of summary judgment in a seven-figure unjust enrichment case.